Saturday, May 29, 2010


The library accounts details what is happening in the world of children, teens and adults at
the various branches - re contests, good reads, upcoming programs, author readings, free
movies at the John Dutton Theatre etc. The library is doing a great job letting its customers
know what is happening and where. I can't think of any more ways that they could improve
their accounts.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Library Thing

This would be great for those who used the wish list on the old CPL site. I have a paper file of books I want to read and can't see myself taking the add'l time to compile a new list on Library
Thing. I don't really want to discuss books I have read with people online but I'm sure there
are others who would enjoy this activity. A few of my friends belong to book clubs so I could suggest this site to them because I am sure they would find it useful. I found this site easy to
navigate and user-friendly.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Online Productivity Tools

At this point I wouldn't be using these online productivity tools as I see no need- my daytimer is sufficient. The tool I might use would be google docs - the wordprocessor. I did create a
calendar online using a google log in from my blog -very easy

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


YouTube enabled me to search out a singer that was on The Ellen Degeneress Show awhile back. Cool! Also under Alberta's Libraries, Books and Beyond there was a few sites on the
future of libraries. This enabled me to complete a report that our branch manager has the staff
working on. Very timely! Who would have thought I would get my info on this subject on
YouTube! I found this site very user friendly.
Flickr - I'm not really into sharing photos on the internet but I'm sure others find this the
best online photo management and sharing application in the world.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


I was not able to add a feed for either way that was suggested. However I was able to go to and sign up with bloglines-after clicking on private rather than public.
I do not see how this will be "one of the most useful tools we'll learn about". I get it that this reader will watch blogs & websites for me and tell me when they are updated but I'm just not into it!
I'm sure others will find RSS very useful but at this time in my life I'm just not interested!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Google Universe

I chose to investigate "Translate" under "Communicate, Show & Share". It was great
to be able to translate from English to any language listed and there were a lot of choices.
You could also add your favorite language to the browser's toolbar. Then whenever you
want to translate a webpage you're viewing you just click the button under "favorites".

What I disliked - not so much disliked- as there were too many sites to choose from. Many
sites you needed to sign up for and I am already into user name and password overflo!

I would definitely recommend Google Universe to friends - especially those who are more
tech savy than me. Lots of info to be had for those who are into this kind of thing.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Facebook is useful for many people to connect but a time waster for me
as I don't even have time to turn on my computer at home let alone sit
in front of it. How about the telephone or is it becoming obsolete !!
If I have some free time I visit with friends or sit and enjoy a good book!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I am not too comfortable using this site yet but it will come in time.I hope to use it more doing reference work and then I will get moreknowledgeable. Our old Best Web Sites was easier on the eye and Ifind this site very busy but I guess in time with a lot of usage thiswill become user friendly.


I checked several articles looking for articles that needed editing re grammarspelling etc. but couldn't find any so I gave up trying . I did however practiceon an article on James Patterson which I thought needed a grammar change andediting it was easy! I tried to enter several topics which I thought might be obscurebut sure enough there were several articles already published on my chosensubjects.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

First Post in my Blog

What do I hope to learn from CPL 20 - Information to help get a customer
started on setting up his blog.
What aspect of Web 2.0 am I most intrigued or scared by - All of it is new
to me and I am very aprehensive as I do not use any of these sites.